Voice At The Table

Consumer participation

What is Consumer Participation?

Consumer participation is you having a say in all of the decisions that are made about the services you get.

Consumer participation is about:

  • Speaking up for other people with an intellectual disability.
  • Working with government and services to make life better for people with an intellectual disability.
  • Equal rights for people with an intellectual disability.
  • Sharing the experiences of living with an intellectual disability.
  • Making change happen.
  • Sitting on different committees or advisory groups.
  • Having a say in planning for new and better services.

What are the benefits?

People with cognitive disabilities, service providers, governments and communities can all benefit from consumer participation.

This image shows how benefits flow for people with disabilities and organisations when consumers participate in decision-making.


Quote Icon PDF: Engaging Consumer Advocates
Download this best practice guide
Quote Icon LINK: Voice at the Table Consumer Participation Kit
Browse the guide to consumer participation within organisations