Inclusive Meetings

Who is it for?

Staff working for organisations who strive to ensure people with cognitive disabilities have a genuine say. For example, committee members, support staff, people organizing consultations and front of office staff.

How long it the training?

3 hours

Who are the facilitators?

The training is co-designed and co-facilitated by people with cognitive disability.

The training is done using plain and easy english.

Where is it held?

At Ross House – 247 Flinders Lane Melbourne.

We can come to your workplace. If you have 8 – 12 people wanting to do the training and located in the Melbourne area please contact us.

What do you learn?

  • Why inclusive practice is important.
  • To identify and understand the barriers to participation for people with cognitive disabilities.
  • Meeting tips to include everyone.
  • Accessible information, agendas and minutes
  • Techniques for getting people with cognitive disabilities to open up and speak confidently.

What is the cost?

  • Free. VATT is funded by the Department of Social Services.

What is Inclusive Meetings Training?