“If they don’t listen to us – then they are not going to learn what is important to us”
Susan Arthur Leader Powerful
Parent Self Advocacy Group
There are a number of government policies which shed light on the relevance of encouraging full consumer representation and real Voice at the Table (VATT) participation.
Please see below for some helpful information.
Additional information links and resources can be found in our links and resources tab
One in 5 Australians identify as a person with disability. Australians with disability are often denied the legal right, entitlement and the same life outcomes that other Australians expect. While some may access specialist disability services, all people with disability have a legal entitlement and a right to access mainstream opportunities, services, programs, public events and infrastructure.
People with disability can experience exclusion and less access which can result in:
- Poor health
- Lower levels of education
- Training and employment participation
- Social exclusion, and
- Lack of access to goods and facilities
A number of national and international mechanisms seek to address this inequity.
Human Rights and Convention on the Rights of People with a Disability
In Australia, the National Disability Strategy 2010-2020 (NDS) underpins the principles adopted in the CRPD. The principles ensure people with disability and their representatives are included in developing, designing and implementing policies, programs and services.

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